How to catch a fish in Metelkova City

Metelkova City  is an autonomous cultural in the centre of Ljubljana. It is located on the site of former military barracks (the Slovenian headquarters of the Yugoslav National Army) and was squatted September 1993. The Site is 12,500 m2; more than 1 hectare or approx. 3.1 Acres. It consists of 7 randomly placed big buildings which are in use as art galleries, bars, artists studios, spaces for designers, offices of cultural organisations and concerts featuring different types of live music. For 3 days, the front yard was for us to exhibit.




We arrived on monday evening and on tuesday there was a public presentation of Nomadic Village. Our favourite walking artist Monique Bestens had her set-up next to Lufka. Francisca Alsúa was working on some new bits and pieces for the exhibition and Klaus and Tina kept busy setting up the exhibition.


InDifferentLight Edition Metelkova was located in a big hole in the ground, with some kind of a stone structure inside. Due to the short timeframe we decided to call the performace “how to do projection mapping (artists at work)”, as we had a feeling that the final product would be finishP1160641ed too late at night for an ´official performance´. Andi created a moving fish of the stones, and Heidi did some sort of a depiction of catching the fish and accidentally killing it.  In the end a flower grew out of the fish. Our unplanned themes of ownership, death and hope fitted in the environment well. The performance was only three minutes long and audience small, but we managed to touch a few men from Ljubljana who were explaining their interpretations with great enthusiasm for a good few hours.



We became friends with the owner of Macedonian Gallery, who gave us a brief introduction to Metelkova, provided our electricity, toilets and an occasional schnaps and macedonian beans. His gallery was located in the only official building recognised by the municipality of Ljubljana and his window faced towards the main square where the village was located. On the last night he had to disconnect our electricity as some suspicious guy had been visiting him, snooping around the gallery and checking out ways to get in. He then explained that a new round of junkies and dealers has arrived, and that it seems to happen every now and then when they “are not in control yet”… He also adviced us to be careful and keep everything inside our car whilst staying in Metelkova by night and watch out as he was predicting a robbery.

After Cerkno and Metelkova with two performances captured on film we decided to take it easy for a few days on the road and joined our friends Monique and legendary Dario Cortese for a walk in the montains. A very much needed grounding process after a stressful night especially for Andi who stayed awake most of it. After a lovely day in the nature we carried on towards Croatia and ended up in a friendly mans wineard for the night in the border of Slovenia and Croatia. He practically picked us up from the road, guided us to his house and gave a bottle of wine for the night. What a lucky ending for the Slovenia Chapter!



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